Don’t let a man fool you into thinking he’s low key and not into ‘stuff’. That’s absurd. Guys LOVE STUFF. So let’s cut right to the chase. Valentine’s Day is this week - and while picking out something for ourselves is easy, sometimes shopping for a guy is hard. So I asked my cool guy clients for guidance. Let’s get into it!
Me: What’s a present you’d be excited to receive on Valentine’s Day (an actual present)?
Ike: I would love anything cocktail related! I got some beautiful rocks glasses a couple years back and the best part is they can be used immediately!
The men want bar-ware!

In case you also had to Google “what goes in a rocks glass” the answer is an Old Fashioned and this is a highly rated mix.

My texts with Paul:
Me: What’s a Valentine’s present you’d like to get?
Paul: Should it be clothes
Me: It can be anything!
Paul’s picks:
Subscription to Dropout TV - A truly endless stream of all the best comedy.
The gift of BETTER SLEEP
This incredibly cool book which as Paul describes it is “If Robert Redford in his Prime made a movie like Point Blank”. SOLD.
Paul’s upgraded backpack recommendation from Topo Designs
More ideas for everyone:
Does he snore? Do you? These Bose headphones keep you blissfully wrapped in your own cocoon of silence. Play music, a mediation, or my personal favorite, a white noise app, and you’ll sleep through whatever’s happening next to you.

Need outfit inspo for your Valentine’s night out?

Sealing this letter with a kiss - happy Valentine’s day!
love seeing paul and june 😍