I often imagine women as soldiers on a field, holding up their bags as armor. If you’ve entered a room carrying a bag you love, you know the feeling it gives you. I get a lot of questions about bags, especially as the prices of designer bags have escalated, and the turnover between seasons so fast. Nobody can (or even should) keep up. So I hit the literal and virtual streets and am proud to present the BAG BIBLE. Let’s get into it!

Designer Bags: vintage always wins
A vintage bag is always the move. This isn’t the Wall Street Journal so I won’t get into the why of luxury pricing, but the cost of making bags hasn’t increased with the market price. It’s more of a “push it and they still pay it” strategy. Not cool. I only have a few bags that I’ve bought in a store at retail price. The rest I’ve found online or at vintage markets (LA friends I’ll be at Pickwick this Saturday!)

The hunt:
New to vintage bags? Pick brands/styles that are always being re-issued. A Balenciaga City Bag, Bottega, or Prada Tessuto bags are perfect examples.

All-over Louis Vuitton print you got at the LV store? Ok. All-over print on a vintage bag? YES:

Mid Tier love:
Sometimes a vintage bag won’t cut it - that’s ok - there are a lot of mid-tier brands with great bags. Parker Thatch is a favorite, so is Liffner, and Madewell has a star offering:

You’re a cool mom - what bag are you carrying?
You need a sturdy bag for your mom shit. It should zip closed and wipe clean. An LV Speedy is great until you’re doing a 9 hour stretch on the soccer field and your bag is now also a plate. Here are some favorites:

Of course this is a very topline, broad strokes kind of bible, but I hope it helps give structure to your bag search. Is there a bag you love and swear by that I missed? Hit reply and tell me! Until next time, fashion friends!
“9 hr stretch at the soccer field and now your bag’s a plate.” 😹
Love your content; especially bc you provide so many price point options, backstory on why you post, the eco-friendly vibes (vintage!). Thank you for knowing not everyone can spend 700 on a bag ❣️ unrelated, but you sold me on the timberlands platforms after mentioning Prada knocked them off. -❤️ A cool mom, not a regular mom